Wednesday, July 4, 2012

We Have Labels!
After months of deliberation, we finally decided upon our label design! Heather White of Change Islands made our simple fabric labels, which will adorn the back of each and every quilt. The embellished hand-embroidered 'signature' will be the main feature of the label, adding a nice little personal's how we did it: 

Heather White sets up her embroidery machine to do the 'made by' and 'on Fogo Island/Change Islands' parts of the label

the machine in process, it's quite mesmerising to watch...

nearly finished...

the completed label with hand-embroiderd signature

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tim Wilson's 'Old Hands: The Quilts of Change and Fogo Island'
We had the pleasure of hosting Canadian film maker Tim Wilson, who came out to visit us on Fogo Island and Change Islands for several weeks at the beginning of the year. He was commissioned by the Shorefast Foundation to made this lovely short film about the quilting project, featuring many of our quilters! 

OLD HANDS: The Quilts of Change and Fogo Islands from Shorefast Foundation on Vimeo.

Monday, July 2, 2012

We've Been Busy....
Four of our locally made quilts have been hand picked by textile curator Sandra Reford, to go to a quilting exhibition in France! 'Tradition in Transition' will take place from 13th to 16th September in Ste-Marie-aux-Mines, in the Alsace province, north east of France and will show case four quilts made by Doris Budden, AnnMarie Newman and Iris Newman. These quilts will be representing the province of Newfoundland and Labrador in the '18th Carrefour Europeen Du Patchwork' exhibit, so look out for us!
Congratulations to our quilters whose beautiful work will be representing our quilting project. 
If you'd like to find out more about the exhibition, Sandra has a mention on her website:

Doris Budden's king sized summer strip quilt

 Iris Newman's single sized summer crazy quilt

AnnMarie Newman's single sized summer strip quilt

Iris Newman's king sized summer strip quilt