Saturday, October 30, 2010

Welcome to quiltyquilts 

We would like to share with you some quilts, both old and new, that have been made on here on Fogo Island and neighbouring Change Islands. Many featured quilts on the blog are family treasured heirlooms, loved and used to this day. We hope to share with you some of the history and stories behind these quilts, what they are made from and techniques used to put them together.


  1. fantastic Yvonne .. look forward to more of this !

  2. I have just been given copies of two beautiful photographs of Iris Newman, and Doris Buddenn, Fogo Island quilts to illustrate a story about Canadian quilts being shown in France in the fall. Sandra Reford has curated this show and provided me with the images

    I google and found both of your blogs and will but a link to you in the Story You can find me through my fibrequarterly blog spot

  3. Thank you! I will post these two pictures to share with the world and an update on the project....
